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Dear Laura.

Dear Laura,

It's crazy to think that our friendship took off almost three years ago due to the DECA project we signed up for without realizing how much work was truly needed. Even though we had no idea what we were doing, we still did pretty well and made it to DECA state. Before than we just had marketing together with Mr. Harrison, who taught very little and allowed us to talk throughout the entire class period. If it wasn't for Mr. Harrison, I don't think our friendship would have been the same. Funny to think that our friendship went from talking in class to what it is today {being my best friend}. Throughout these three crazy years we have almost done it all... sleepovers, hanging out, going to dinner, road trips, visiting each other at college, going to army training together, and now helping me get a summer job. If someone would have asked me if we would have been best friends after working on our DECA project together I probably would have said no. I didn't know you very well and you didn't know me that well either, but I am glad that I was wrong. My friendship with you is one of the greatest friendship's I have ever had and I am beyond thankful for that. We've argued a few times, always laughing about it afterwards, but other than that it has been a smooth ride. I am not sure if you have realized how much you have changed me {in a positive way}. With you leaving for basic in a few hours, I have been reflecting on our friendship for the last few days. You have always inspired me to be a better person and work harder because of the accomplishments you have made during our friendship and I just wanted to say thank you {again}. You are constantly pushing me to become the person I want to be and are always there to support me. The emotions of you leaving haven't fully set in yet and I don't think they will until after you get there. I am so used to talking to you everyday, that as soon as I don't get a reply it's going to hit me that you are gone. I know going to basic and becoming a medic has always been a dream of yours, so I am happy that you are one step closer to your dreams! Though I am not happy to see you go, I know that you'll be back soon. Expect letters almost everyday, because I don't think I will be able to wait 7 months to tell you everything that has been going on! As I am writing this, I am overwhelmed with different emotions. I have never had to say this type of goodbye to someone before and I am sad that it is to you. You mean so much to me and so does our friendship that the next 7 months are going to be difficult without you! Last night I prayed that everything was going to go well at basic and that you wouldn't lose hope or give up on your dream. I know you won't because you are such a strong person, but it doesn't help to pray for the best. When you told me your flight was delayed today, a smile came across my face because it meant I had more time to talk to you. It's not gonna be the same without you here this summer, but I will try and be as adventurous as possible and send you pictures of places I go. I love you so much Lo and I am wishing you nothing but the best at Basic. 7 months is too long, but I promise to be at the airport waiting for you when you come back. Love you lots. XOXO

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