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Cheers To The Weekend.

It is that time of year again when Friday and Saturday afternoon's are spent with friends listening to music and enjoying the early days of spring. Sleeping in no longer exists. This past weekend my friends and I were ready to go out by noon and had no intentions of coming back until the sun had set. With only a month left of my freshman year, it is starting to dawn on me how much I am going to miss being at school. Of course I won't miss going to class everyday and doing three plus hours of homework, but I will miss all the friends I have made in such a short amount of time. I met my best friends within the first month of college and it seems crazy to think that in a little over a month I won't be able to go up a flight of stairs to see them. Prior to going to college, countless adults and relatives told me to value every second of college because before you know it, it will be over. I kind of laughed and agreed when they told me this, because I kept thinking that four years was such a long time, but with one of them almost being over, I understand what they mean. I love my college life and all the people in it, that leaving them for the summer is going to be difficult. With that being said, I am making the most of everyday I have left. Last weekend was filled with darties (day parties) and parties. Yards were filled with college students taking pictures, playing yard games, and dancing to music. Though the lawn was over crowded, it was good to get out and socialize with everyone, especially with the weather being SO nice! With the weather treating us well, it is time to pull out the summer tanks, shorts, and sandals! Every girl hopes she'll get tan lines, but we all know it's not actually that warm out. With the forecast this weekend being higher than last, I am excited that it is finally Friday and I can relax. I was blessed with a very easy week, only having one open note test, and was able to spend most of my time preparing for tests I have in the upcoming weeks. With no set plans, all I can hope for is warm weather, darties/parties, and to spend time with my best friends. Since I am done with class for the week, there is nothing else left to say but cheers to the weekend!! XOXO

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