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Everyone has dreams and goals they hope to accomplish in the future. Since we were little, we create visual stories in our head of how we want our life to be. Graduating high school, going to college, going on dates with a someone special, getting the job of my dreams. Now that I am in college, I have been thinking more and more about how I want my life to be in the future. Recently, I have imagined my life in a large city such as New York or Chicago, because those are two major fashion cities. I am currently I business management major with the hopes of working in a fashion company and working my way up the ladder. Though, I don't have a great creative mind when it comes to creating new fashion trends, I am very good at having an eye for what looks good together and what doesn't. I can picture myself living in New York in a small studio apartment with a small dog. Walking through the crowded city with my designer heels and coat, passing the tourists in order to get to work on time. I have always loved big cities, though I have never lived in one, I do not think that I would lose my love for the fast pace lifestyle. Being so close to restaurants, work, friends, and adventure would excite me daily. I live for the thrill and the fast paced life. Going from breakfast dates to work to meeting someone for dinner is what makes me happy. I am not the type of person who enjoys sitting in one place for hours reading or watching TV. Though we all have that one TV show we could binge watch for hours, I always feel like I am missing out on something I should be doing. Monday through Friday would be filled with lunch dates and hours of work. Working with current trends and accessories, rearranging outfits and looks is a must. If you want to get ahead in the fashion world, you need to be one step ahead of other fashion companies. In other industries, companies work against each other, but in the fashion industry you work together and collaborate to create incredible looks. Waking up early and walking through Central Park with my dog and meeting friends for coffee is exactly how I want to spend my Saturdays and Sundays when I am older. By than, I hope to have a professional camera and take pictures of my life and the city of New York. New York is known for its tall builds, gorgeous parks and nature, and the night life. Capturing these moments and memories to look back on one day, is a high priority for me. When I am older, I hope to look back on my life through pictures I have taken and be able to replay those stories in my head. These are all just visual images I have created in my head, I have high hopes that one day I will end up working at the job of my dreams.

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