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Sally's, Sleepovers, and Sidekicks

Two more ​​Thursdays back in the city and I started getting antsy. As much as I enjoy being back home, it is not the easiest to make plans when all of my high school friends have already gone back and started classes. Thankfully, St. Thomas and the U are still off and had the same plan as Christina and I. Around 9 pm we arrived to Sally's in Dinkytown and barely made our way in. Without having fake ID's or being 21 years old, apparently you cannot get bars. Standing outside in the freezing cold, 3 degrees to be exact, we made friends with the bouncers and somehow managed to get inside Sally's by telling them we simply wanted $5.50 wings. We couldn't thank them enough before we ran through the doors and started looking for Mallory. The first hour or so was spend being paranoid and constantly scanning the room to make sure the bouncers weren't coming to kick us out. Finally, we got over ourselves and realized that they probably didn't care that we were in there and that we were fine. Smiles appeared on our faces and we began dancing and enjoying our time. I don't need alcohol to have fun, which is such a great trait to have. The night continued and so did the fun. Around midnight we said our goodbyes and headed out. Once arriving at Christina's house, we watched the Bachelor before heading to bed around 4 am. The night was filled with unforgettable memories and I can't wait to go back next Thursday!

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