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Girls Night Out in Minneapolis

During winter break things tend to get very boring and lonely especially when you miss your best friends from Eau Claire. But thankfully all of my best friends, expect for Ryan who lives in Illinois, live within twenty minutes of me! We originally had plans to hang out as a group and have a sleepover, but than Hannah had the idea of going downtown to an 18+ club. With all of us agreeing, we made plans to met up on Friday at Hannah's house and go from there. Since I had never been to a club before, I skimmed through my closet and looked for my black dress. I was not entirely sure if it was "club material" but everyone I asked said I looked hot, so I decided it would be fine. After finishing my hair and make up, I packed up a bag of anything I might need for the night and headed to Hannahs. You would think that since most of us had already started getting ready before going to Hannah's that it wouldn't take us very long to finish getting ready, but it took two and a half hours. We completely lost track of time and by the time we looked at the clock it was already 10:15 pm. Scrambling to do the last minute touch ups, we took pictures and left for Minneapolis. It wasn't until we got in the car that I realized how much I missed my best friends and our conversations. It didn't take us very long to get parked and into the club, but once we got in we realized we were not in a normal club. We were in a Latino club. I think I was the only one who was completely out of their comfort zone, because Hannah dated a Latino boy in high school, Maggie is Colombian, and Christina is Greek. I immediately looked at them and said, I have a boyfriend got it. We all laughed and they understood that I was not planning on dancing with any of these sweaty, slutty, random Latino boys. Around 11 pm is when the club finally started to be packed, which was good and bad. It was good in the fact that there were becoming more girls to dance with other than me, and bad because there was more boys grabbing my back and waist. AHH! I kept saying no, I'm sorry I have a boyfriend, I can't dance with you, that I began to become annoyed and wanted to leave. Once my friends found cute boys to dance with, I found myself filling up my water bottle or in the bathroom more than I had hoped. But you can't blame me, I was so uncomfortable and uneasy about random men grabbing my body that there was no where else to go! Finally around 2 am was when all of our feet began to ache and our bodies were tired of dancing. The drive home was very peaceful and less busy. Once we got to Hannah's we made our way into the basement before all falling asleep on the couch. Though I am not sure if I would go to a Latino club again, I am glad that I had my first "clubbing" experience with my best friends.

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