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Winter Wonderland

Tuesday morning's are the worst because I have to be waking to class by 7:45 am, but fresh snow makes the walk a little bit better. I have never been in love with snow or the cold weather, I do enjoy it when it looks this pretty. The semester is almost over and I am eager to go back home, but am not thrilled about being away from all my friends at college for a month. Mirco economics is kicking my butt right now and I am beginning to freak out that it is going to kill my GPA which is not good. I would definitely say that Economics is one of my hardest classes I am taking this semester. Besides economics, I am taking sociology , World Conflict, and college algebra. Algebra is on the easier end and so is sociology, but world conflict takes a little more effort. Finals are just around the corner which is semi-depressing, but that means Christmas is too!!! The only thing I want for Christmas this year is to finish economics with a high grade.

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