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Friends, Old and New

Many say starting college can be kind of scary. Almost everything about college is some how a new concept or idea to most freshmen. New town, new bedroom, new friends, new form of education, etc. We are used to living completely on our own in a town, for most people, is hours away from our hometown and parents. This is what a lot of college students struggle with in the beginning of the year. I haven't I struggled with my parent being so far away from me yet, and hopefully it stays that way. With the first of college under my belt, it was definitely a learning experience. With so many things being new, it was nice to fall back on something that I knew, which was friends who went to my high school with me and graduated a year before I did. Madi and Jordan were the reason my anxiety wasn't sky rocketing throughout the first week. Though it may have been annoying to get five to ten text messages a day about things I was unsure about, they really did help me get the inside scoop very fast, which was very nice and appreciative. Not everything new is bad, especially friends that you bond with so quickly. Within the first week of school, Freddy and I become friends and went out together in groups on the weekend. I am thankful for the old and new in my life and am excited for all the new things that will come into my life this year.

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